As the mother of two children, a busy toddler and an active preteen, I find the notion of slowing down for the summer to be a lovely fiction.
My father says we are all "closet contemplatives". I think I am more of a "water-closet contemplative". Sometimes it is only the moments in the bathroom that are meditative space.
Spiritual reading can be very discouraging in that way. The writers of these lovely prayer journals and meditations didn't have to concern themselves with petulant preteens or toddler tantrums. They had time for the beautiful unfolding of conversation with God. They could sit uninterrupted through an hour of lectio.
I have come to believe that God will take the whole of life as prayer if we offer it.
Even in the midst of the hectic lives we lead if we offer what we do to God, then God will take charge of how we do it.
Then, maybe, even the interruptions can be a part of our prayer.
I do believe that prayer is a constant conversation with God. Sometimes it is just a sentence and at other times it is an hour or more of undivided conversing (when the kids are asleep or at school!!)
ReplyDeleteI am finding that more and more my life has become one of prayer (mini conversations with God) - a lifestyle where I talk to God as to a friend! A beautiful experience indeed.